No, silly, this post is not to introduce you to our real baby (still gestating). This is way better.
Introducing Blender Baby:
Introducing Blender Baby:
I've been posting about blenders for a while now (like this one time approximately 2.5 years ago). If I did one of those word clouds for this blog, it might have blender and Hanson on there pretty large, which is weird. Anyway, I think this is blender number four or five in our household. But thanks to the generous birthday/Christmas/birthday again gift from parentals, we'll go several years yet without having another blender baby.
I have expressed my doubts about the superiority of these machines, but a seven-year warranty is pretty nifty. AND THEY ARE SO COOL!!! Have you seen the demonstrations at Costco and the like? I could watch for hours. Our first Vitamix blend was devoted to our classic smoothie, and it was the smoothest darn smoothie we've ever made. We've also been making hot chocolate in the machine instead of the Cocoa Latte/Cocomotion because if you leave the blender on for a while, the stuff gets hot (!!!!).
We pretty much can't get enough. Please let us know if you have suggestions for things to blend.
I suggested initially blending up the old blender. I would not be surprised if this thing could handle it!